Section: Features
Reflections from FUN Travel Award Recipients
Spotlight on: mGluRs
On September 29, 2018 the Midwest/Great Lakes Undergraduate Symposium in Neuroscience (mGluRs) held its 10th annual meeting at Ohio Wesleyan University, in Delaware, Ohio...
Study Neuroscience Abroad in Summer 2019
Study abroad course: NEUR 499: Special Topics in Neuroscience: Neural and Behavioral Resilience...
Optimize your LinkedIn network and profile
Linked in has more than 500 million members and is quickly becoming a mechanism for employers to find the right person for a job. In addition, professionals are using the platform as a mechanism to highlight and discuss professional topics, employment trends, discuss scientific discoveries and seek employment....
3D-Printed Neuroscience Models for Everyone
The Brain Awareness Campaign Event at the Society for Neuroscience meeting in November was a celebration of outreach achievements from all over the world. ...I left the event wondering, how many of us are making our own 3D-printed neuroscience models and how many of us would benefit if we could share them quickly and easily?
Results of FUN Member Survey 2018
First, let me start this article with a huge THANK YOU to the entire FUN community!!! I have greatly appreciated the opportunity to serve as President-Elect/President/Past-President of this fantastic organization over the past three years. I gained so much from this experience, both professionally and personally. Thank you!